noooIs it true that it is bad to shampoo your hair everyday?
Read a book by Philip Kingsley. He is a trichologist, someone who specializes not in hair style, but in the biology of hair growth and health. He suggests that everyone should wash their hair every day.
Many stylists will argue. Ask what scientific background they have before automatically believing them.
use a shampoo that is for daily washing.
If you have very short hair, or your hair is very oily, it is ok to shampoo every day. Otherwise, every other day or once every three days is plenty- this allows your scalps natural oils to distribute thru the hair, protecting the hair and making it shiny. Too frequent shampooing can lead to dry hair and a dry,itchy scalp. If you MUST shampoo every day, use a very mild formula.
it depends on what your hair is like, more expensive shampoos can dry your hair out, if you have oily hair you don't want to use conditioner not much or if at all. if you use gel or hair spray it might be a good idea to wash it everyday
Nothing wrong with that, I wash my hair everyday, sometimes twice in summer because I do sports. Just make sure that you use a shampoo for daily use and rinse well.If you use like shampoo for dandruu don't use everytime, but do a cure and then go back to the shampoo you normally use. I hear some of my friends say I wash my hair every two weeks. Good for them, but I just couldn't.
Yes.I am a hirstylist of 12 years.Your hair is like silk very delicate very soft.Your hair has natural oils in it thats makes your hair stay strong and helps fight germs of the scalp.If you shampoo your hair everyday it take the oils out with leaves your pores open.your hair needs to be slighty dirty because our hair feeds off of the dirt.I reccomend you to only wash your hair once a week.I know you might be screaming right now but yes,it's true.It will keep your hair on the right track.All my clients whom are black,white,asian,indian and mixed raced, all have beautiful long hair.Let me tell you somthing you might didn't know,Dirty hair grows faster then clean hair.Just like us we grow when we eat,so does your hair when your hair has your natrual oils and dirt to eat off of it grows from the hair vitamins it's getting.**Tip if your white use pantene products like shampoo and conditioner,if you black also use the relaxed and natural pantene products....remember only condition your hair every other wash to much conditioner adds a lot of unhealthy build-up on the hair shaft..I hope this helped you.-E
Yes. Over cleaning your hair removes the natural oils that hair needs to be healthy. It is understandable, however, if you sweat alot and you stink. It just really depends on your hair and your lifestyle.
yes it could dry out your hair
there are times that i don't shampoo everyday, i sometimes skip a day to allow the natural oils to come out..
I have heard that it is unhealthy but if you have oily hair then you do need to because my hair is oily and when i heard that it was unhelthy to shampoo everyday so i didnt for about 2 weeks but like those 2 weeks i did wash it everyother day but my hair was just nasty so i went back to washing it everyday. hope ya win becuase it stinks to loose a debet over dumb things!
yes, because it takes good oils out of your hair, and your hair becomes dry and flaky.
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